Leo Houlding on Napes NeedleFri Night Vid

© Matt Pycroft
This week's Friday nighter is from Matt Pycroft:

"Leo Houlding climbing what is arguably one of the most famous rock climbs in the UK.

Filmed by myself, Ali Keech, Dom Bush and Martin Campbell for Cumbria Tourism and Cumbrialive TV."

Napes Needle, which lies in the Lake District, is described on the Wikipedia Great Gable Page:

"Great Gable has cliffs to the north (Gable Crag) and south (Westmorland Crags, the Napes, and Kern Knotts). The Napes are important in the history of English rock climbing: W. P. Haskett Smith's ascent of the remarkable detached pinnacle of Napes Needle in June 1886 (now graded Hard Severe) is thought by many to mark the origins in England of rock climbing as a sport in its own right, as opposed to a necessary evil undergone by mountaineers on their way to the summit.

Those wishing to climb Napes Needle should be warned that a safe descent is far more difficult than the ascent as there are no permanent anchors or bolts to abseil from. Down-climbing is the only way to get from the summit to the shoulder and gear on this second pitch sparse to say the least. A relatively simple abseil can be set up to get down from the shoulder."

VIDEO: Leo Houlding on Napes Needle


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3 Jun, 2011
How hard is the "hard way"?
3 Jun, 2011
well hard
3 Jun, 2011
3 Jun, 2011
well done. Great video, keep up the good work.
3 Jun, 2011
Sick'ard Shiver E6 6B, done this year. last major line and by far the hardest.
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