The Edelrid Ohm

79 / 122 Gear Guide

The Edelrid Ohm

The Edelrid Ohm

The EDELRID Ohm is an innovative, new solution for the problems experienced by climbing partners with a significant difference in weight. The OHM is an assisted-braking resistor that you install at the first bolt in the safety chain. In the event of a fall, the OHM increases rope friction so that a lighter belayer can hold a heavier partner without being suddenly pulled off the ground and thrown against the wall.
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8 May, 2017
As a heavier-than-thou kind of climber I thought this was going to be the answer for my lighter-than-mild-flatulence belayers. Until I saw the price. Why does it have to be so expensive? Does it really cost so much to make? (But then I suppose I feel the same about lots of things that I'd like but can't afford) Back to trying to lose weight then. Or beefing up my climbing partners. Dave
9 May, 2017
Hard to say, but I guess it's not unreasonable to assume it'd cost about as much to make as a GriGri, which will cost you about £65, and they'll sell far fewer, which tends to put the cost up quite a bit.
9 May, 2017
I have one of these and it's brilliant. Having collided with my light belay partner twice in the past, it's well worth the money and should last forever.
9 May, 2017
Although useless for me this piece of gear looks absolutely fantastic, especially for partnerships where the weight difference is large. My mate and his wife are little and large so I'll be sending him this link.
9 May, 2017
This would be very useful, thanks for the video
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