Barnton Quarry bouldering?

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 aln 26 Feb 2023

I saw a guy heading in there today with a mat. Don't know if he was heading for the quarry itself or the rock outside the quarry fence. Is there bouldering there? 

 CameronDuff14 27 Feb 2023
In reply to aln:

There is a fair bit of bouldering in the woods!

Don't think it would be a good idea to go into the quarry itself, there are some nasty looking German Shepherds that are often in there!

OP aln 27 Feb 2023
In reply to CameronDuff14:

Thanks for that. I take it from the problem names they were a lockdown project? 😀

 CameronDuff14 28 Feb 2023
In reply to aln:

It was, there's an excellent wee guide that was put together over covid - 

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