Irby Quarry - established bouldering problems?

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 Tom Poulter 22 Apr 2019

Hi All

Does anyone know if there are established (i.e.named/graded) bouldering problems at Irby Quarry?  And is there such a thing as projecting in bouldering, similar to how it is done in sport climbing?

I have the BMC Cheshire & Merseyside sandstone guide that includes a number of routes and refers to the quarry traverse for bouldering, but it doesn't mention any named or graded problems.  It includes some easy grade boulder problems on Thors Stone, but none at the main quarry. 

I live 5 mins from the quarry and i'm thinking of a project over the summer, to set a route for the full traverse of Nimo, South Slabs & West Wall at around V3/4 grade.  Thinking I will break it up into sections then map out problems across each one, to eventually join them all together.  Any info, advice, ideas, suggestions would be gratefully received.  



Irby Quarry

 Pekkie 22 Apr 2019
In reply to Tom Poulter:

Irby Quarry is unfortunately neglected and overgrown with gorse. Pete Burden wrote the section in the 2012 guidebook but after his tragic death things went downhill. I would just go for it and make sure the results are recorded on the UKC crags database. Friends of Pex Hill, a facebook page, looks after Pex - as it says on the tin! - but also keeps and eye on other crags in the area. Activists have recently cleaned up The Soapworks crag on the Wirral and rehabilitated a bouldering circuit on Runcorn Heath. You could record activity and seek help on there.

OP Tom Poulter 22 Apr 2019
In reply to Pekkie:

cheers Pekkie - yes someone I bumped into down at Irby told me about Friends of Pex Hill on Facebook and I joined it a couple of weeks ago.  I will take on board your advice and will try to give the place a tidy up as I go along.  Will post an update on the Pex FB group in due course....

many thanks


 cambromo 03 May 2019
In reply to Pekkie:

Don't worry Pete I already advertised the page for you

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