Cheddar Access Update - September Reopening

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 Owen W-G 31 Aug 2022


From Thursday 1st September, holiday-season restrictions on the south side of Cheddar Gorge will lift, and the “Most of year” (aka Summer Season) crags and routes reopen until Easter. Do take the opportunity to explore away from the roadside since the September reopening includes the vast majority of routes on the south side and many of the better crags in the gorge, some of which will continue to enjoy sunshine while the deeper crags lose theirs.

The Winter Season routes and crags continue to be closed until 1st October. These are the multi-pitch routes on the Pinnacles (Stone Cold Fever, Castles Made of Sand, Sullenberger, Doomwatch etc), multi-pitch routes on High Rock (Coronation Street, Crow etc), “Knight’s Climb” on Acid Rock, and all routes on the crags: High Rock Far Right Wing, Wind Rock and Sloworm Tower.

Remember to carry proof of 3rd party liability insurance whenever climbing at any crag on the southside. For most climbers, cover is inclusive of membership of BMC or MCofS, but membership of an affiliated club also provides insurance. However, the access agreement requires that proof is carried, so bring your membership card (or confirmation email) to the crag. BMC members who are unable to prove membership will be reluctantly asked by the Warden, or CG&C staff to relocate to the North side, so take care to avoid putting them in that disagreeable position.

As always, please consult the Martin Crocker guide or the BMC RAD carefully before visiting, and look out for, read and follow signage. Observing the agreement negotiated through the BMC is essential to protect general access for the climbing community on the southside throughout most of the year. If you see any climbers climbing out of season, please call them down

Thank you for your cooperation

Your friendly BMC Climbing Warden

 Matt Clifton 31 Aug 2022
In reply to Owen W-G:

Excellent, thanks Owen

Some great routes have been recleaned too largely thanks to Guy Percival - most of the routes in the Zawn offer superb trad at E3-E6 and Kephalonia wall so make the most of the dry and warm conditions!

Post edited at 22:06

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