Stanage Ring Ouzel restrictions

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 Kim 02 Jun 2021

There are a couple of new restrictions in popular areas to be aware of:

Stanage Popular - Right Hand Trinity to Albert's Amble (this includes all of the Rugosity Wall routes).

Stanage Plantation - Argus to Pure, White and Deadly (this includes routes on Wall End Slab and Help the Aged etc bouldering).

The restrictions are likely to be in place until around the end of June.

The Rugosity Wall pair have moved along the crag from Wall Buttress (restriction now removed) where they successfully fledged their first brood. The juveniles have moved along with them and were being fed by the male amongst the boulders while the female was building nest number two on the crag above. Good views for the half a dozen climbers already on nearby routes by 10am!

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