Wildcat Access

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 dinodinosaur 23 Dec 2021
Thread locked and link removed since access negotiations are ongoing. See reply from Rob Dyer below

Was shared this FB post regarding new ownership and removal of access to wildcat crag. Just wondering if anyone had any more information on this? 

 deepsoup 23 Dec 2021
In reply to dinodinosaur:

I might be tripping, but I'm sure there was a thread on here about it a few days ago.  Can't seem to find it now.  I think the upshot of that was that some access negotiations are going on involving the BMC reps and that flooding the planning portal with objections just now would probably not be particularly helpful.

OP dinodinosaur 23 Dec 2021
In reply to deepsoup:

Thank you for that! I thought that might be the case 

 ebdon 23 Dec 2021
In reply to deepsoup:

You didn't imagine it, it seems to have disappeared (possibly due to the sensitive access issue?) Either way I think the conclusion was the BMC are on the case and no need to panic yet.

 Graeme Hammond 23 Dec 2021
In reply to dinodinosaur:

Unless anything has changed since the previous deleted thread in which one of the access reps asked prople not to comment  it would be useful if that link was deleted and the Oread and others deleted any such posts before this gets out of hand.

The previously thread was deleted at the request of the BMC apparently. I guess they were worried people see the first post with a link, have a knee jerk reaction and make a comment without reading any further replies so deleting it reduced the chances of this.

Post edited at 16:16
 Andy Say 23 Dec 2021
In reply to dinodinosaur:

I was always aware that the minor outcrops to the R. of the main crag were on Willersley land. And one stage there was a wall with a gate restricting access to Woodbank and Upper Tors and the BMC guidance reflected this.

I'm not so sure that the main crag is owned by the Willersley Estate.  But nice to see an outdoor centre actually opening!

 Rob Dyer, BMC 23 Dec 2021
In reply to ebdon:

Just to update from the BMC side - I've been in contact with the new landowner, which was a positive conversation and a site visit is planned for late January to try to work out future access for climbing. The new Head of Centre is understanding of how important the site is for climbing and wants to work with us if he can. I would encourage anyone wanting to make a representation to planning or discuss this online to keep things positive and show the new owners that climbers are passionate about the site and reasonable people to negotiate with.


Rob Dyer, BMC Access & Conservation Officer (England)

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