Winspit Quarry closure - geological instability

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 Team BMC 18 Apr 2023

After reports of geological instability the National Trust has prohibited climbing at Winspit Quarry until further notice while investigations take place. They are currently stating this is a temporary closure and that they will update the BMC once a geological assessment has taken place. Any change/news will be posted here and on the RAD.

Please note, the local coastguard have stated that given the potentially dangerous conditions here they would not send in a rescue team in the event of an emergency.

Climbers are advised to avoid the crag while this closure remains in place. 

Post edited at 13:19
OP Team BMC 18 Apr 2023
In reply to Team BMC:

UPDATE: This restriction only applies to the western part of the crag. RAD to be updated later with exact description of which buttresses/route affected. 

 Wimlands 18 Apr 2023
In reply to Team BMC:

I’ve always been pretty wary about walking into the back of the quarry. Always looked to me that the quarrymen left a bare minimum of supports for the weight of ceiling above.

 Tommy Harris 19 Apr 2023
In reply to Team BMC:

Isn't this just swanage as we know it??, every crag down there is a big pile of choss..

 steve taylor 20 Apr 2023
In reply to Team BMC:

They've also stopped filming Star Wars Andor in the quarry too, according to local news.

 Si Witcher 20 Apr 2023
In reply to steve taylor:

Also now on BBC:

I find this lack of faith disturbing.

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