Paint on my jacket - can I get it out?

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 Tony the Blade 16 Dec 2023

Walking in Bannau Brechiniog earlier this week we stopped at the Grwyne Fawr bothy for a brew before putting up our tents. I leant against the door frame then realised it had been repainted that day.

So now I have black paint smeared all down one arm of my new ME Lhotse waterproof. aaarrrggghh!

Is there any way of getting it off without compromising the effectiveness of the fabric (Gopre-Tex Pro)? 

 GarethSL 16 Dec 2023
In reply to Tony the Blade:

Tbf if anything its probably added to the waterproofing. Any idea what kind of paint it was, e.g. oil based or water based?

I fear with paint that if its had time to dry it may well come to be a permanent feature of your jacket.

The only thing I can think of is gentle rubbing and scraping with a mild solvent (ethanol perhaps) and move on up to acetone and white spirit. Your DWR will get absolutely ruined but the membrane should be resistant to this*, not sure how the bonding of the face fabric will handle it tho.

*depending on if its ePTFE or this newer Gore Tex ePE membrane.

In reply to GarethSL:

> Tbf if anything its probably added to the waterproofing. Any idea what kind of paint it was, e.g. oil based or water based?

Oil based I'm afraid

> I fear with paint that if its had time to dry it may well come to be a permanent feature of your jacket.

I think you may be right.

> The only thing I can think of is gentle rubbing and scraping with a mild solvent (ethanol perhaps) and move on up to acetone and white spirit. Your DWR will get absolutely ruined but the membrane should be resistant to this*, not sure how the bonding of the face fabric will handle it tho.

I thinkI'll just have to suck it up and live with it.

Thank you

 jethro kiernan 16 Dec 2023
In reply to Tony the Blade:

Cover it with duct tape, mutter something vague about fighting off bears in Canada if asked.

 Jamie Hageman 16 Dec 2023
In reply to Tony the Blade:

All my clothes have paint on.  Embrace the paint!

 Lankyman 16 Dec 2023
In reply to Tony the Blade:

I 'overproofed' a Paramo once, to the point where it had no breathability at all and I was sweating like a pig in it. I took it to the drycleaners and they sorted it out. Might be worth a phone call?

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