A marsh harrier.

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 Bottom Clinger 23 Oct 2023

A marsh harrier, yesterday. 

In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Some cabbages. And a Sparrowhawk. 

 Michael Hood 24 Oct 2023
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Marsh Harrier shot is almost a reference shot with the legs distinctively hanging down like that.

And catching a Sparrowhawk flypast, in focus, difficult.

Nice shots.

In reply to Michael Hood:

Thanks. Another couple from the weekend. I was too busy faffing with some thing and realised all the birds where ‘up’ - this peregrine had grabbed, but failed to hang on to, a wood pigeon (I think, looking at the tail feathers it is now missing !!). And this Sparrowhawk look different to the cabbage one. I think the gabbage one is his years male, even though it looks brown (it landed on a post and looked male in size). 

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