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 Flinticus 20 Nov 2023

Setting up a Wix website: is it OK to link to someone else's YouTube channel?

I'm not looking to embed the video in my site but direct visitors to the video (its an explanation of a certain type of therapy)

 Luke90 20 Nov 2023
In reply to Flinticus:

Depends on your definition of "OK" or what you're worried about. Probably the most likely bad outcome is that the YouTube video gets deleted at some point and you end up with a dead link. But that's not going to do any real harm other than make your website look mildly less professional.

You could argue that directing people away from your website rather than keeping all the information self-contained makes them more likely to get distracted and not come back (presumably you ultimately want them to book some kind of service with you?). YouTube is certainly full of distractions, maybe they end up watching a load of cat videos or maybe they watch another video about the topic of your website and like the look of that person's service better than yours.

But if you're worried about the YouTube link being redirected to something nefarious, that couldn't happen. In principle, the person who owns the video could replace it with a different video, maybe one less savoury, or add inappropriate links or text to the video description. But that would violate YouTube policies, putting their account and reach at risk. So it's maybe worth considering as a remote risk if the video you want to link to was posted by some kind of dubious content mill, but if it's an original creation by someone with a substantial profile on the site, it'll be very safe.

OP Flinticus 20 Nov 2023
In reply to Luke90:

Great answer - lots I didn't even consider!

I was more thinking along the line of whether it would violate any kind of intellectual copyright etc. Could the owner object / requet the link be removed etc.?

 Luke90 20 Nov 2023
In reply to Flinticus:

Linking to other people's content is pretty well established as a baseline expectation on the internet, you won't get into any trouble that way. Can't rule out the possibility that they'd ask you to remove the link, but they'd probably need to spend a fair whack on legal fees if they wanted to try to force you, and even then I'd be confident (with no legal expertise at all, just from observing the way the internet works and occasional obscure cases trying to block linking), that you'd win if you were willing to fight it. And they'd be unlikely to even ask, unless there's extra context you're not mentioning. Firstly because they'd be unlikely to even notice and secondly because if they do it's just a source of viewers, which all content creators are constantly after. The only way I could see it causing offence or having an outside chance of legal consequences is if you're a competitor in some way and the way you linked it implied that it was your video.

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