Wonder of The Day

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 lowersharpnose 07 Nov 2023

Before today I had never heard of 'Eid Mar' coins.

This article is about an extremely rare gold one with a hole in.

I submit this as a Wonder of The Day.

 Welsh Kate 07 Nov 2023
In reply to lowersharpnose:

Nice choice! I usually post up a pikky of the silver denarius version on my birdy social media account each March 15th. It's a fab coin and the gold one is particularly beautiful. The hat between the daggers is a cap of liberty, usually associated with freedom from slavery, which tell us something about the way Caesar's dictatorship was perceived by those who assassinated him.

I was in Rome on a research grant back in 2000 and visited the Forum on the Ides of March; there was lots of stuff going on, readings and dramas based on ancient accounts of Caesar's assassination, of Antony's funeral speech from Shakespeare, flowers laid at the Temple of Caesar. Really interesting thinking about the 'reception' of Julius Caesar as tyrant and victim.

 Slackboot 07 Nov 2023
In reply to lowersharpnose:

Thanks for posting! very interesting.

In reply to Welsh Kate:

Thanks for that 'cap of liberty' & other colour.

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