Climbed (or even attempted) Cenotaph Corner?

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Perhaps you can you help us celebrate this awesome route if so!

The 24th of August sees the anniversary of the first ascent of Cenotaph Corner, a strong contender for the most famous route in Wales if not the entire British Isles. First climbed by Joe Brown himself and Doug Belshaw in 1952 - 70 years ago!

We would like to pop together a little collection of photos + stories (good or bad!) from those who have climbed (or even attempted to climb) this route to celebrate it.

  • If you have just an image to share that’s great.
  • If you just want to send over a few sentences of your experience/thoughts on the route then that’s also great.
  • If you have both - even more great!

Please email Helen - [email protected] with any of the above. Hopefully we can collect some great shots and stories of this route to put together!

Feel free to include any social @username if you’d like to be tagged in any posts we make.

Joe Browns.

Please note: Your email/details will NOT be added to any promotional marketing we, Hooked on Granite, operate.

 Derek Furze 29 Jul 2022
In reply to Joe Browns/The Climbers Shop:

This is a lovely idea.  Sadly, I've never been on it!

In reply to Derek Furze:

Thanks and that's alright - no problem! Maybe soon!

 Duncan Bourne 29 Jul 2022
In reply to Joe Browns/The Climbers Shop:

Sent you a piece

 Davvers 02 Aug 2022
In reply to Joe Browns/The Climbers Shop:

Brilliant route, fell off it three times at the crux (but got there in the end!), had a good chat with three guys sitting on the ledge of Cemetery Gates ??

Sadly no pictures

 topee 10 Aug 2022
In reply to Joe Browns/The Climbers Shop:

Intimadated by its reputation never put foot on the route until quite late in my climbing career. Geared up at the bottom, silence between my second and I until he said “see you the top”. Stormed up the route, as did my second. Tear-in my eye at the top.

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