Effects of UV Radiation on hikers - BU Survey

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Removed User 10 Nov 2020


Hi Everyone

I’m currently a undergrad student at Bournemouth university studying Product Design, as part of my final year I’m researching into the effects of UVB radiation on hikers and mountaineers at higher altitudes. As part of this research I’ve created a google forms survey with a variety of questions primarily looking at hiker user behavior and demographics. It’d be great if anyone could complete this, and if possible if someone would be free to conduct a skype interview to discuss this topic more in depth.

I’ve attached the survey, which is anonymous and does not record any personal information from participants, if you have any questions about the research, survey or a possible interview please contact me at [email protected].

Thanks in Advance


Complete the Survey here!

Post edited at 16:12
 toad 11 Nov 2020
In reply to Removed UserWill Aizlewood:

Usual u/grad problems, which is a shame as it's an interesting subject. I'm afraid I bailed after "which season do you usually hike in?". 

Removed User 11 Nov 2020
In reply to toad:

Hi Toad, that question has been specially left as vague as possible, it's an identifier on peoples perceptions of hiking in the UK and abroad. If you would like to discuss the wording of the questions or the reason for specific questions being asked, feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for attempting the survey!

Post edited at 12:07
 Doug 12 Nov 2020
In reply to Removed UserWill Aizlewood:

Did you test this on anybody before posting ? Yet again a student questionaire which is badly thought out

For example

"Season you hike in most"

What if I hike all year ? (not uncommon)

As for heights in feet, I've no idea, why not use metres or (better) both ?

Removed User 12 Nov 2020
In reply to Doug:

Hi Doug, in response to your questions, The aim of this survey is a broad-based qualitative research study, that then focuses to a secondary stage of direct primary research in the forms of virtual interviews. A number of the questions have been deliberately left vague as you've outlined to best determine the market specifics for the solution. Yes, "The season you hike in most" is not the most engaging question for direct feedback but helps to create a better designed product for the environmental factors and ergonomics of said season.

In regards to the second question, the measurement is in feet as the primary sensor unit used to collect UVB radiation takes input risk factors in feet, and can then be converted to SI unit meters.

If you have any more questions regarding the research, feel free to message me at [email protected].

> Did you test this on anybody before posting ? Yet again a student questionaire which is badly thought out

> For example

> "Season you hike in most"

> What if I hike all year ? (not uncommon)

> As for heights in feet, I've no idea, why not use metres or (better) both ?

 Doug 12 Nov 2020
In reply to Removed UserWill Aizlewood:

"Yes, "The season you hike in most" is not the most engaging question for direct feedback but helps to create a better designed product for the environmental factors and ergonomics of said season."

hardly "better designed" if for many its impossible to answer

Again, did you trail the questionaire before making it public ?

 AukWalk 13 Nov 2020
In reply to Removed UserWill Aizlewood:

Filled it in, but honestly agree with sind of the other comments. Questions like 'what season do you usually hike in' or 'what's the weather usually like' are difficult to answer really. 

Also I think there's potential to get confused data with questions like 'how long is your usual hiking trip' because obviously the vast majority of people will take day trips more often than long expeditions, but probably call it 'walking' or 'Hill walking' rather than hiking and it's not clear whether you're interested in single day walks or just high altitude expeditions.

Most people will behave and prepare very differently if walking at 15000feet (why have you used feet and not metres?) than 1000ft or in summer vs winter, or multi day trips vs single day trips, so I think you've got the potential to get confused data by not making it clear which scenario people are answering questions about. People may also be confused whether you're including mountaineering in each question - eg I would not describe summer alpine mountaineering as 'hiking' but seems like the kind of thing you'd be interested in, and will likely involve a lot of walking.

 Jimbo C 13 Nov 2020
In reply to Removed UserWill Aizlewood:

Hi. I completed your survey but agree with others. I don't see what information you are gleaning from it other than the fact that some people get sunburnt when they go for a long walk. Sorry, you'll get this kind of response a lot on UKC 😁

 gravy 15 Nov 2020
In reply to Jimbo C:

1+ times a week (1/week)

Fortnightly (0.5/week)

3+ times a month (0.66/week)

Once every six months (0.04/week)

Yearly (0.02/week)


>1000m Usually several times a week for a small number of weeks

 Ciro 16 Nov 2020
In reply to Removed UserWill Aizlewood:

> In regards to the second question, the measurement is in feet as the primary sensor unit used to collect UVB radiation takes input risk factors in feet, and can then be converted to SI unit meters.

Are you mostly looking for US or European responses? If the latter, I'd suggest requesting data in SI units and converting it as part of the input process, rather than expecting respondents to do it for you.

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