Forced updates

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 Danbow73 06 Jun 2023

I frequently reuse crags that I have downloaded - the issue i'm finding is I walk to the crag get out the app to find it needs updating and I Can't access the topo's. It usually when I'm out of signal as well.

Is there away that you can still use the old topos and download the updates at a later date? 

In reply to Danbow73:

Hi there,

Sorry you've had issues here.

Just so I'm clear, you are not able to access crags you have downloaded if the crag has an update available?

We've had issues reported where the update button gets stuck spinning when the user tries to update, but I don't think I'm familiar with this issue described, although I may have just forgotten, I've been working through quite a few issues recently.

We've reworked this entire view in version 2, but we are slowly rolling this out so it's likely you haven't recieved the update yet.

I'll send you an email just now and we can get you fast tracked onto version 2 and this should solve your issues.


Post edited at 11:15
 Luke90 09 Jun 2023
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

Yeah, I used to have this issue really badly, roughly a couple of months ago. Think I would have been on version 1 back then because I've noticed significant changes since then and am definitely now on version 2 (just checked in settings).

If a downloaded crag showed the symbol that an update was available, it wouldn't let me open the existing downloaded data until I updated (often not possible at the crag when discovering the issue). 

In reply to Luke90:

Ah ok. Thanks for clarifying this Luke. It's possible that I was aware of this issue and have since fixed this within this new build.

I'm going to increase the roll out of version 2 again today and continue to through the next week or so. There's been a few issues that I've fixed as they've cropped up.

 dominic o 09 Jun 2023
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

Same issue here (has been for ages) - I regularly either get the endless "updating" icon or taken to the topo for an entirely different crag. Good luck with the roll-out  

OP Danbow73 09 Jun 2023
In reply to dominic o:

Sounds like my exact issue. Martin has been in touch as I didn't realize there was a version 2. Thanks all

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