NEW ROUTE CARD: Coniston Seven Summits

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 Norman Hadley 10 Sep 2022
The circuit of the Coppermines Valley skyline is rightfully a classic, blending fascinating industrial archaeology, jewel-like tarns and lofty ridges both grassy and rocky. For hardly any extra effort, the summit of Great Carrs can be visited, increasing your Wainwright tally to five. Once you’re there, the out-and-back to Grey Friar looks a modest additional outlay. And, once you've succumbed to the temptation of six, how could you resist the come-hither of Dow Crag, completing all seven summits in one outing?

11.87 miles, 19.10 km, 1,322m ascent, 2:30 – 6 hours. Coniston

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