Dejame Vivir

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Clauso 23 Jul 2022

Simply staggering stuff.

If you have a Netflix subscription, then this is a must:

Kilian Jornet is a pure mutant.

 mike123 24 Jul 2022
In reply to Clauso:

Excellent . Thanks . I’m somewhat perplexed that Netflix never recommends that I should watch stuff like this . You would think it knew I ve finished sponge bob twice already .

Post edited at 08:51
 Herdwickmatt 24 Jul 2022
In reply to Clauso:

Is it worth subscribing to Netflix for? Or is it more Salomon TV style stuff (which is awesome but runs out of appeal after a few hours of procrastination)?

 philipivan 24 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

Well if you do subscribe just for this make sure you watch the river runner and jurek which also weren't recommended for me and would fit into best outdoor films ever category ( and nims of course)

 StefanB 24 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

Whilst there is some cool stuff on Netflix, you can purchase the Kilian Jornet movies directly for download. Here is the one in question:

Post edited at 20:01
 Slackboot 25 Jul 2022
In reply to philipivan:

Also ' Lost in Karakorum'. 

 VictorM 25 Jul 2022
In reply to Clauso:

I found it okay but I wouldn’t go as far as taking a subscription for it, unless maybe you’re very into trail running and/or want to see  good beta for the Lion Ridge.

Compared to a lot of other mountain movies it wasn’t brilliantly shot or directed. The Velvet Queen, that I would very much take a subscription for! 

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