Approach skis with Silvretta bindings?

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 alexm198 13 Feb 2022

I'm interested in putting together a set of approach skis, with a pair of Silvretta Easy-Go bindings. The intention would be to use them for approaches when the skiing is straightforward enough that I'm not going to completely end myself. 

Anyone with experience of this stuff---what sort of ski would you recommend? Should I be looking for something short and light? I assume turning is nails in a mountaineering boot so the shorter the better? 

Any advice much appreciated.

 random_watcher 13 Feb 2022
In reply to alexm198:

I've no personal experience of using these but have seen them before and know people who have ordered them to use as approach skis.

 Jack Geldard 13 Feb 2022
In reply to alexm198: Hi Alex,

Yes, short and light is best. Sub 160 length is best if you're going to be carrying them on routes (so they don't poke up too high on your pack, restrict axe swinging etc). You'll have loads of ankle flex so it takes some getting used to, to not get thrown way in to the backseat, especially with a heavy climbing pack. Beats snow shoes though!

I have some old Hagan approach skis and silvretta 404s you can have for €50 if you're around Chamonix.

Cheers and happy approaching!

OP alexm198 13 Feb 2022
In reply to Jack Geldard:

Thanks Jack, for the information and the generous offer! I'll DM you.

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