Cheeky skiers

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 DaveHK 24 Dec 2021
In reply to Sam W:

I once had an interesting evening ski of Aladdin's where a chap we met on the way across skied it naked. Don't think it's him though.

 HeMa 24 Dec 2021
In reply to Sam W:

Skiing and streakin’ are a long standing tradition.

 LastBoyScout 24 Dec 2021
In reply to HeMa:

I was standing in a lift queue in Canada when a group of youths came skiing past wearing only boxer shorts. All but blizzard conditions at the time, iirc.

 HeMa 24 Dec 2021
In reply to LastBoyScout:

Yup… this kind of dare -things are quite usual.

and if looking at ski flicks from say Late 90’s a’la Shane McSlonkey , he often skis some fine spring line butt naked. And continued to do so for the 2000’s, thus influensing a lot of younger wannabees.

Even I’ve done that on a summer ski touring sesh, and no boose was involved in this stunt…. Only nice corn run and no one else around.

 Doug 24 Dec 2021
In reply to HeMa:

A day or so before New Year 2000 together with a friend I skied a 20 km nordic style trip in the Pyrenees taking in a couple of cols & ending at a friends house. Near the end we used some XC trails for a few km which was the only place we saw anyone else.  That included a middle aged guy wearing a floppy hat, ski boots, an old battered rucksac & nothing else who was happily pottering along on a pair of old 'classic' skis as we overtook him. Nice sunny day but I suspect a bit chilly on the downhills if naked.

 freeheel47 03 Jan 2022
In reply to Sam W:

Have a Google for GNAR- Gaffney's Numerical Assessment of Radness.

Naked skiing a couloir switch whilst calling your mum (mom) usually gets max points.

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