MCI Practice clients

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 greed178 10 Aug 2019

UKC MCI Profile

Hello all,

I am looking for potential people to take scrambling and multi pitch climbing, as practice towards my MCI assessment course.

The climbing day/s would centre around me focusing on teaching specific Scrambling and multi pitch climbing techniques as well as tactics for climbing more efficiently both physically and psychological in relation to your personal current climbing level.

I am ideally looking for pairs. However, if there are people interested then it would be possible to pair different people together to make a climbing pair.

The climbing sessions could take place in the following areas, Snowdonia, Lake District, and Peak District.

Dates available: Open to most dates.

If you are interested, please get in touch and we can discuss dates to suit our needs. My details are as follows:

Mob: 07854562122

Email: [email protected]  

As an MCI trainee I do not hold the MCI qualification for the instruction of the above activities. But I have completed the training course for the above activities, but the training does not constitute a qualification.

Climbing harnesses, helmets, climbing rack, and ropes can be provided by myself.

Climbing shoes may be provided depending on personal sizes.

Insurance I do not hold insurance that allows me to receive payment for said activities. The topic would be discussed in detail before the activities where undertaken and agreed beforehand.

Kind regards

Garry Reed

Mkp76 19 Aug 2019
In reply to greed178:

If you want a 42 year old complete novice to take out in the peaks then I could be your man! 

OP greed178 19 Aug 2019
In reply to Mkp76:

Hi, firstly what’s your name, and whereabouts are you from? Plus do you have any experience of climbing even indoors if any sort? Do you have anyone else interested who wants to climbing with because this would make it more realistic from both sides yours and mind.



Mkp76 20 Aug 2019
In reply to greed178:

Hi Garry the names Mark, I'm based on the Notts Derby boarder a little bit of bouldering and scouts if that counts {some years ago}

There's just me unless my 11 year old son can tag along



 BethMarshall 22 Aug 2019
In reply to greed178:


A friend and I have been climbing since about June this year, mostly indoor stuff but we're taking a course in a few weeks to learn the basics of trad climbing, both pretty much novices but really enjoying it so far! We're based in North Wales so if you ever want some people to teach in Snowdonia let me know.


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