OSMaps app for iPhone

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 howardjacobs 28 Oct 2022

I am a walk leader  with a Ramblers affiliated group. earlier this year Ordinance Survey changed how you record a walk. Now you have to save the walk as an activity and then save it to your 'walks'. Coincidently, I think, my OS app has started putting higher mileages for my walks - typically 9 miles for an 8 mile one. I have another app to prove this plus other people's recordings etc..I have complained to OS and got nowhere! Does any one have a phone number or email to speak to anybody there who might help?

In reply to howardjacobs:

I used some webform or other and got a reply from [email protected]. The bug I mentioned to them was already known and was eventually fixed  

They don’t seem especially interested in users and it’s only laziness that stops me moving to Memory Map. 

 Andy Johnson 28 Oct 2022
In reply to Thugitty Jugitty:

> They don’t seem especially interested in users

I agree. The Android version is full of bugs and usability failings that have been there for several years. I've tried reporting them but only ever get a boilerplate response. I still use the app though, probably for the same reason that you mentioned.

 ScraggyGoat 28 Oct 2022
In reply to howardjacobs:

Just vote with your feet and use another package.

Memory Map is stable on my iPhone, but I never track, record gpx or share.

Recently gps position fixes have intermittently been significantly and obviously wrong by a couple of hundred meters……………and would not refine even if given several minutes to update; anyone would think there is a war on!

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