Sigg Water bottle replacement gasket

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 Wimlands 04 May 2023


I need to replace the washers on a couple of the standard Sigg water bottles and I’m struggling to find a suitable match at Screwfix. Sigg don’t appear to sell them.
26mm internal diameter.

Any advice? (I don’t have a hole punch that size)

 CantClimbTom 04 May 2023
In reply to Wimlands:

Maybe you can sandwich some suitable bit of rubber between 2 clamped bits of wood and drill a 25mm hole through it, then carefully trim the outside diameter with very sharp kitchen scissors. Maybe there's a heavy rubber mat somewhere that could lose a corner without anyone noticing?

Post edited at 10:16
 elsewhere 04 May 2023
In reply to Wimlands:

Ebay for food grade O ring rather than flat gasket? Squishy enough to seal and stretchy enough to stay in place and not get lost if smaller than 26mm ID.

OP Wimlands 04 May 2023
In reply to CantClimbTom:

Thanks for the idea…just need to find my 1” drill bit, I’ve definitely got one somewhere.

Post edited at 12:18
OP Wimlands 04 May 2023
In reply to elsewhere:

I’ll try searching for “O” rings…good idea.

OP Wimlands 04 May 2023
In reply to Rodders:

Thanks … didn’t think of Amazon. Those don’t look to be the right size but I’ll get searching for others.

 The Lemming 04 May 2023
In reply to Wimlands:

I just bought a replacement bottle top. It was spendy but worked.

No leaks.

In reply to Wimlands:

Some other makes actually have 26mm internal size washers; whether they sell them separately from the stopper though I’ve no idea. I’ve got two such bottles; a Hi gear bottle and a un branded water bottle are both with 26mm.

I’ve have actually got a spare, lightly used though, 26mm internal size water bottle washer if it is any interest (foc assuming it’s UK postage). It came off a bottle that had was stood on at the neck and the thread was damaged and beyond use. 

(I’ve also got a spare, used, Sigg stopper though it would as cheap for you to buy a new one if that is what you wanted. I’m assuming you are aware that you can buy Sigg stoppers complete with washer (c £4 last time I looked), but have discounted that and looking for the washer alone.)

In reply to Wimlands:

Re the Amazon link -

If they are for the Sigg KBT kids tops, I’ve got one of those tops for my Sigg bottle and I’ve just measured mine and it is 26mm internal.

Post edited at 13:52
OP Wimlands 04 May 2023
In reply to Climbing Pieman:

Thank you !

OP Wimlands 04 May 2023
In reply to Climbing Pieman:

Thanks for the offer…I’m going to go for linked Amazon washers and give them a go. I seem to have acquired a collection of 5 Sigg style bottles over the past 30 odd years so keen to keep them going…

 Andypeak 04 May 2023
In reply to Wimlands:

I think I've got an old lid you can have if you message me.

 Howard J 04 May 2023
In reply to Wimlands:

It's been a while since I lasted needed any so maybe this has changed, but I've always been able to get them over the counter. Most outdoor shops which stocked the bottles often also stocked the seals. Or you can get them on Amazon.

OP Wimlands 04 May 2023
In reply to Andypeak:

Thanks for the kind offer…got them on order now. If they don’t fit I’ll get back to you 😀

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