Worth using Downproof on a sleeping bag?

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 AlanLittle 03 Nov 2023

My circa ten year old Cumulus Lite Line is (over) due a trip to the launderette.

I'm wondering, since it sometimes gets used in bivvy bags or small one man tents, whether it's worth running it through a cycle of Nikwax Downproof after washing with a view to improving its condensation resistance. I'm planning a multi day trip in the spring in potentially wet conditions. I'm not particularly keen to buy - or carry - a synthetic bag, but I'm a bit concerned about my down bag getting damp if I don't have chances to dry it properly.

Any experiences of using Downproof on bags? Is it likely to help? Or harm?

 CantClimbTom 03 Nov 2023
In reply to AlanLittle:

Definitely use Nikwax Down wash and  also Down Proof (or Grangers equivalent) not sure how to quantify the benefit, but I am convinced it is better than not using them.

Tumble dry also (if they can be tumble dried), chuck 3 tennis balls into the drier with the sleeping bag

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