Found : Ropes at Stanage Plantation (2024-03-31)

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 slacky 31 Mar 2024

Arrived at the section of crag we'd selected this morning and found two ropes and no one else around. Mildly damp from being out overnight so probably left 2024-03-30.

Please message with area and description to arrange return.

OP slacky 18 Apr 2024
In reply to slacky:


 Babika 18 Apr 2024
In reply to slacky:

How on earth does anyone wander off from a days climbing and not notice their pack is missing 2 ropes??

OP slacky 29 Apr 2024
In reply to Babika:

Not sure, but maybe they didn't wander off, perhaps there had been an accident and they had to leave quickly.

Still have the ropes and am happy to return them if anyone is missing them, DM with description to arrange return.

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