Canmore Accommodation

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 GaryK 27 Oct 2023

I am going to Canada in March with a partner and I'm hoping to climb in the Canmore area. A quick search on & AirBnB shows some very high prices for even small flats. Are there any cheaper alternatives? Also is Canmore the best place to stay for access to the climbing areas, would it be worth basing ourselves somewhere else that may be cheaper?

Thanks in advance for all responses.

 Ramon Marin 27 Oct 2023
In reply to GaryK:

The YHA youth hostel tends to be cheaper. There's also another hostel in Banff which is also cheaper than flats. Also the YHA have winter huts which are cheap in winter, we stayed in the one up in the ice fields parkway and it was empty and affordable. 

 George Ormerod 27 Oct 2023
In reply to GaryK:

The HI Wilderness hostels do a winter pass for $315 which allows unlimited stays in their hostels up the Ice Fields Parkway and Kananaskis. Also you get a discount on Banff and Lake Louise hostels when you want a bit more luxury, like a shower. 

Post edited at 14:55
 George Ormerod 27 Oct 2023
In reply to GaryK:

If you’re set on Canmore there’s also the Alpine Club of Canada’s hut which has private rooms for $80-100 and dorm rooms beds for $17-45

Post edited at 15:03
OP GaryK 29 Oct 2023
In reply to Ramon Marin:

Excellent info. Thanks Ramon.

OP GaryK 29 Oct 2023
In reply to George Ormerod:

Hi George, thanks for the information. I'm sure we'll get something to work.

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