Will The Cobbler be in condition next Saturday

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 yhpong 02 Dec 2023

Hi, this is my first winter here in the UK so I am not very good at reading the weather here. I am hoping to climbing the Great Gully (II) at the Cobbler this winter. Looking at MWIS, the closest peak with forecast available next to it is Beinn Narnain ( , and the forecast is over 60% chance of snow over Thursday and Friday. While there's no information on freezing level, given the sub-zero temperature forecast I would assume it's cold enough. Is that any indication that the Cobbler will be in condition? Or where else can I get better info?

I live in London and travelling up to Arrochar to climb costs a small fortune, so just want to make sure there's at least a decent chance of getting something done. Thanks a lot.

 morpcat 02 Dec 2023
In reply to yhpong:

Almost certainly not.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. You don't just have a couple of days of snow, and magically the gully is ready to climb. It takes some build up, melting, freezing again, some more snow, and so on.

Best case, there will be some unconsolidated snow covering the loose rocks in the gully and a perhaps smear of verglass on the tricky move. Worst case, it will probably be a rainy and cold day.

FYI, if you do come up another time when conditions are good, try Chockstone Gully first, which finishes just under Great Gully. Linking the two together gives a fun morning out.

OP yhpong 03 Dec 2023
In reply to morpcat:

Thanks for the advice. I'd better save up and wait for Jan/ Feb then, cheers!

In reply to yhpong:

A trip to Cogne or similar will provide a greater probability of success for a similar price.

OP yhpong 03 Dec 2023
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

Wow, just look up Cogne and it's even easier and faster to access than traveling to Scotland! For someone who doesn't drive (yet), getting around in Scotland is quite difficult. Now I am really tempted to do Cogne.

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