Climbs 30
Rocktype Granite
Altitude 225m a.s.l
Faces W

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Are those Lions? © petegunn

Crag features

A nice spot to boulder on a sunny and crisp winter's day. Lots of problems, some easy problems and some very hard problems and projects. Grades are old school- so don't expect anything to feel easy.

Please limit use of chalk... and no ticks.

Topo available, please email [email protected]

Anyone got any more info of which boulders are which?
MegWan - 16/Jun/17
Hi Greg. It's been a long time since I climbed it but I remember the start being a one move wonder involving an extremely hard pull. Sorry I can't be of more assistance.
A Longleat Boulderer - 09/May/14
Looking for some beta on energy. Love the moves up the middle but cannot get the start sequence...
Greg Collier-Jones - 14/Feb/13
I found many of the boulders have greened a little, it makes them very slippery. I would not dream of scrubbing them but it may push the grade... That or my lay up has dropped my grade.
Greg Collier-Jones - 13/Jan/13
Hi All, I produced a guidebook for this place back in 2006. Email [email protected] if you'd like a copy. Thanks Freddy
A Longleat Boulderer - 05/Jan/11
Artificial - should be in the Climbing Walls section.
Fiend - 11/Aug/10
Have not yet been there but it looks very much like its at the place the locals call Heavens Gate. There is a car park very near then just a short walk though the wood and your there.
Stach1972 - 04/May/10
has anyone got any info on this area and the climbs as we would like to go and try some of them out but is would be a long way to travel without knowing a little more. Thanks
Sparkey - 16/Apr/09
Can you put directions to these. they look the nearest thing to bouldering for me but don,t know where to be exact they are
dylan burgess - 10/Feb/07
Gridref for this crag seems to be wrong - puts it in the middle of the Bristol channel??
Nick Smith - UKC - 10/Oct/06
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