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Climbs 70
Rocktype Gneiss
Altitude 570m a.s.l
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Crag features

A deep creek with crags along both sides facing East and West. Bear Country and Amphitheatre are the best crags and both contain some high quality routes that make the area worth a visit. 

Approach notes

Park at KLO Creek Regional Park. All crags branch off from the main trail.

Pipeline: About 25 metres after the second bridge, there is a climbers bridge off to the right of the main trail. Cross this to reach Pipeline. 

Riverside: You will cross what used to be a double bridge. Immediately after there is an inobvious trail on the left. Follow this to reach Riverside.

Trailside: To your right, shortly after the Riverside exit, there is a more obvious opening. Most of the bolted routes are to the left of this. 

Amphitheatre: More or less opposite Trailside, head through a thinning of trees towards the river. There is a "climbers' bridge" (a large log crossing the stream). Once on the other side of that, stick as closely as possble to the rock and you will reach Backstage. Continue along the now more obvious trail to reach Centre Stage.

Bear Country: If you are at Amphitheatre, follow the stepped trail back down to the main path. If you haven't left the main trail, continue passed the tagged concrete. There is no longer a bowed tree as mentioned in the guidebook, so keep your eyes peeled for an opening in the trees along the right hand side. Cross the river and you should arrive at Lower Bear. There are remnants of a picnic table to confirm that you are in the right place. 


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