Climbs 102
Rocktype Sandstone (soft)
Altitude 158m a.s.l
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Stuart on THAT line. © Stuart Brooks

Crag features

This is a collection of crags lying on each side of a deepening wooded vale leading into Dimmings Dale. The rock, like many local crags, varies in quality: crags on the left-hand, shadier side, are generally poor and unattractive. Those on the right-hand side offer a handful of good harder routes, and are a pleasant place to be when the sun shines.

Approach notes

Park in the Peakstone Inn car park (the owners don't seem to mind especially if you buy a pint afterwards). From here, a series of steps lead down the hillside where a small track leads to Dimmings Dale - of course this point can be gained from the Rambler's Retreat. The crags are either side of the small track.

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