Nalle Hukkataival vs Peñoles, VIDEO #3

© Sandstones Media/Clément Perotti
Nalle Hukkataival on Zugzswang, 8B+, Peñoles, Mexico  © Sandstones Media/Clément Perotti
Nalle Hukkataival on Zugzswang, 8B+, Peñoles, Mexico
© Sandstones Media/Clément Perotti

From Black Diamond equipment and Sandstones Media comes the third and final video from Nalle Hukkataival and crew's epic and successful journey to the Peñoles in the Mexican wild west.

This video features more spectacular bouldering than the previous two combined:

Clément Perotti: I point your attention toward "Zugzwang" the last boulder of the video. This one took Nalle 3 days of hard work with and without a rope. We measured the first move, which is exactly his span. The second move has been done just once, on the send go, because there is no possibility to try it from the ground or on a rope. This rock face has 2 8B's and an 8B+ on it. Each of these lines could have a hard sit-start, and there is not a single crumbling piece of rock on it.
It may be one of the craziest rock face ever


The video also features a short interview with Diego Lopez Montull, or "El Rey de Peñoles"!

Nalle Hukkataival is sponsored by: Black Diamond and La Sportiva

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