UKC/UKH Readership Survey 2013 - Big Prizes!

© UKC News
Over £1200 of great prizes!

In 2010 we carried out a readership survey and got a fantastic response with over 4500 replies. One of the outcomes of this Readership Survey was that we set up in response to the number of our readers who stated that they were hillwalkers as well - in fact it was the second most popular activity behind 'Trad climbing' but ahead of 'sport climbing' and 'bouldering'.

It is now time for a new readership survey which we are doing jointly across and The surveys will be similar and you can only fill out one survey, either the UKC version, which is more climbing based, or the UKH version which is a slightly shorter hillwalking based survey. We would like you to choose the survey that corresponds best to your interest level and which site you visit the most. The questionnaire is split into five short sections and should take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Fill out the Survey here

Fill out the Survey here

The data we get from the readership survey is incredibly useful for us. By seeing what activities you do we can target the site more specifically towards your needs. I have already mentioned the creation of the UKHillwalking site but we have also added Running, Biking and Skiing forums since the 2010 survey in response to the feedback we received.

Results from the 2010 Readership Survey 1

Another very important section for us is the section about the gear you use and where you buy it. The sites are exclusively funded by advertising so being able to present our current and potential advertisers with detailed data about our readers buying habits is vitally important to us. This is the biggest survey carried out in the UK Outdoor Trade and the data which we gathered in 2010 has been a talking point across the trade ever since and it makes up the main substance of our Media Kit.

The final section of the survey is all about you and your use of modern technology. This enables us to see what devices you use and how you wish to interact with UKC and UKH so that we can develop the site to suit the way you browse.

The readership survey is completely anonymous - just fill in the form and hit submit, it's all done online and no reference to your email address or IP address will be recorded. Your User Profile will be marked with an indicator for us showing that you have completed the survey but there is no connection between the User Profile and any particular set of responses.

Prize Draw

Everyone who completes the survey (you must answer 90% of the questions) will be put in a prize draw for one of the great prizes. We have some great prizes from Wild Country, Black Diamond, Jetboil, CAMP, Brunton, Scarpa and Marmot - have a look at all the prizes here.

We appreciate your help and thank you for being part of the UKC community. Below are some more results from the survey we carried out in 2010.

Alan James
Director and

Results from the 2010 Readership Survey 3

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27 Feb, 2013
How will you contct the prizewinners since the survey includes no personal info?
27 Feb, 2013
The survey contains no personal info, but you must be logged in to complete it. The magic sorting hat knows you've completed the survey, and enters you into the comp.
27 Feb, 2013
Precisely. And we have the email associated with the profiles that we choose from the winners. Alan
27 Feb, 2013
Done. Not a bad survey compared to many we get on the forum. Well done. ;)
27 Feb, 2013
Nice survey, did you miss "Totem" off the gear list?
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