Ciudad de Dios, 9a/+, by Ashima

© Ashima Shiraishi, Instagram

Ashima Shiraishi on Ciudad de Dios, 9a/+, Santa Linya, Spain  © Ashima Shiraishi, Instagram
Ashima Shiraishi on Ciudad de Dios, 9a/+, Santa Linya, Spain
© Ashima Shiraishi, Instagram

Proving her ascent of Open your mind direct the other day was not just blind luck, Ashima Shiraishi has now gone ahead and done Ciudad de Dios, 9a/+, as well, still in the Santa Linya, cave.

According to Henning Wang, This route is a link-up of the same direct start (8c+) she did for Open your Mind and the classic la Fabela (8c+) that she did last year.

Two days ago, she fell off the last move and now, after a rest day, she managed to do it although the conditions, as for Magnus Midtbø's ascent of Papichulo, were far from ideal
Henning in the morning of the day of the ascent: It's been raining hard since yesterday, and though the route stays dry, conditions are bound to be very humid and slippy. Will she pull a Magnus and send today anyways?

Well, as we now know, she did, and she needed only three days for this one. This would be impressive even if she were 15, and she still hasn't celebrated her 14th birthday!

Ashima Shiraishi is sponsored by: Clif Bar, Evolv, Petzl and The North Face

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23 Mar, 2015
420 Shrecking it.
23 Mar, 2015
Could we be witnessing the foreshadowing of the first female 9b? Time will tell...
24 Mar, 2015
Very close to being the best female climber in the world? Certainly if we are talking about 'max grades' though of course people like Sasha and lots of Euros have far more ticks just below the cutting edge I imagine. Looking forward to seeing what she can do in the future, 9b or more seems perfectly possible
24 Mar, 2015
"Impressive if she was 15"!!!!! It's impressive when twenty six year old climbers do it! 8c makes the news on here if it's a British woman! If she isn't classed as the best female climber now she soon will be.
24 Mar, 2015
Not to reduce the amzingness of Ashima's efforts, this was reported on the news page of yesterday. "Ignacio Sandoval Buron, who has been our Spanish editor for 13 years now, has received several comments from well known Spanish climbers saying that it is correct that one hold broke making one sequence harder at the same time as other breaking's have made the route easier. Furthermore, Ashima did not climb all the way to the top, skipping the last 15 meters of 8b+, so some guys think what she did was an amazingly quick 4 days ascent of a 9a. It should be noted also that some guys think Ashima did a 9a+ but they might not have known she did not climb to just the 9a anchor? Ignacio and his 8a co-worker, Esteban Diez, will follow up the story and present more facts, the next week". I guess we'll have to wait for the full facts.
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