Dean Potter killed in Wingsuit AccidentNewsflash

© Dean Potter/Facebook

Legendary climber, BASE jumper and highliner Dean Potter has died at the age of 43 after a wingsuit jump from Taft Point (7,500ft) in Yosemite Valley went wrong, killing both Dean and his BASE partner Graham Hunt, 29. Their bodies were found on Sunday 17th May by a police helicopter. Neither of the pair had deployed their parachutes and the causes of the accident are currently under investigation.

Dean climbing with his dog Whisper  © Dean Potter/Facebook
Dean climbing with his dog Whisper
© Dean Potter/Facebook

Dean set multiple speed records for climbing The Nose on El Capitan and made the first "freeBASE" (soloing with a parachute) ascent of Deep Blue Sea 7b+ on the Eiger. In 2001, Dean and Timmy O'Neill became the first climbers to link Yosemite's three biggest walls—Half Dome, Mt. Watkins, and El Capitan—in one day. Dean's talent for climbing transferred into other disciplines, completing some of the most extreme BASE jumps and highlines in the world and often choosing to jump with his dog. He was famous for completing a highline on the Lost Arrow Spire - also in Yosemite - without any security.

Dean Potter
© Dean Potter, Oct 2006

More information to follow as it becomes available.

Source: The Guardian.


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18 May, 2015
Desperately sad news about Dean Potter and his partner Graham Hunt. Dean was an inspiration, forever pushing the boundaries of what was thought to be possible. Here's an amazing short video of his "Moonwalk" and how I will remember him: If you have never seen this short video before have a look as you will be blown away. If you have, well have another look again for old times sake... RIP Dean and Graham. :-(
18 May, 2015
Exactly that. RIP Dean and Graham.
18 May, 2015
That is so sad, what a tragic loss for the climbing community. My thoughts go out to the families and friends of Graham and Dean
18 May, 2015
Sad news indeed. I don't know Graham but climbed with Dean many years ago in Hueco Tanks. He was one of a small group of American climbers who were using a new fangled invention for bouldering. When I enthusiastically told climbers back here about it they thought was a ridiculous idea. This was the bouldering mat. The ones used then were homemade bits of foam stuck together with gaffer tape. This was before any commercial ones had been made. I remember jumping down from high up onto one of these mats a on solid rock floor. It was scary and I was expecting a pretty harsh impact. But with Dean and another large American spotting, and practically catching me it felt like I'd fallen about six inches. I was amazed. Condolences to all their friends and family.
18 May, 2015
What an extraordinary man. I thought he was pushing the boundaries of what it was to be human. "Like a monkey, ready to be shot into space. Space monkey! Ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing!" D
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