Boswell and Bullock Survive Grizzly Bear AttackNewsflash

© Greg Boswell

Top British climbers Greg Boswell and Nick Bullock have been hitting social media feeds and mainstream news headlines after fighting off a grizzly bear whilst climbing in the Canadian Rockies yesterday evening. The attack took place high on Mt Wilson, where the bear jumped on Greg and bit into his lower leg.

Greg Boswell (right) with Guy Robertson earlier this year  © Greg Boswell
Greg Boswell (right) with Guy Robertson earlier this year

Writing in his blog, Nick Bullock described the attack:

"Greg fell on his back and watched the monster closing. It jumped. Screaming and shouting, Greg kicked at Ursus arctos horribilis and it bit straight though his brand new boot as if it were a carpet slipper. It lunged once more and crunched into his shin, placing a paw on his other leg before lifting him off the ground. I’m not sure at this point what other people would do, but Boswell is Boswell and the bear just didn’t appreciate this, he grabbed the bear’s mouth and prised apart the jaws, pushing, and screaming… “Nick, Nick, help, it's got me…""

Fortunately, Greg managed to escape from the animal after prising its jaws from his leg, leaving five open wounds which required medical attention.

In a Facebook post, Greg emphasised the role that Nick played in ensuring the pair's survival:

"Despite me actually getting bitten, it was both Nick and I that were attacked. It was just as terrifying for him as it was for me. I literally owe my life to Nick."

"I was in shock after the incident and didn't know what to do. Nick got me out of there and drove me to the hospital! It wasn't a one man mission to stay alive like the media is portraying, it was a friend doing as much as he could in a crazy situation to keep his friend from dying! I probably would have died of hypothermia or blood loss if he hadn't kept me going. My stupid idea was to climb a tree and wait until daylight. 12 hours in -20'c and with some serious bleeding to my lower leg is not the best way to spend the night."

Describing the situation and his feelings after the attack, Greg told UKC:

"The only way I can describe it is, utterly terrifying. I'm in bed now and it's 3am and I can't sleep cause I just keep playing it over in my head! People think it's awesome, they literally have no idea how unbelievably scary it is to think you are going to die any second!"

Read a full account of the attack on Nick's blog.

Read a BBC article on the attack.

More information to follow shortly on Greg and Nick's highly successful last week of climbing, which has been somewhat overshadowed by yesterday's events!

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1 Dec, 2015
Bloody hell with double brass knobs on top and I'm very glad to hear both you guys lived to tell the tale! And jeez wishing young Greg a full and speedy recovery... :-) Cheers Dave
1 Dec, 2015
I'm glad the bear survived ;) More seriously, best wishes to Greg for a speedy recovery!
1 Dec, 2015
I was wondering... where did the Bear go to seek refuge after the Greg attack? Also, I'm sure I remember reading that a bears jaws produce a ridiculous amount of pressue... hi5 to Bozza for prying them things open with his "bear" hands!!! What a hero! I'm buying that man a pint when he gets home :)
1 Dec, 2015
What grade was the bear attack?
1 Dec, 2015
This evening I will be visiting a friend here in the Italian Dolomites. Last June he was almost ripped to pieces by a brown bear within a couple of kilometres of our village, technically within the city boundaries of Trento. He was running alone with his dog and fought for his life like a demon. At one point the bear had the top of his head in its mouth, shaking its head and basically ripping his scalp off. He managed to grab its ears and tear at them with all his strength to make it let go. He survived thanks to the arrival of a mountain biker along the same track making the bear escape. He had literally hundreds of stitches, all his lower teeth broken, and pieces torn out of his abdomen and right arm. He is still undergoing surgery to try and recover some functionality in the arm. And he is seriously traumatised.
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