Malham Waterfall - It's Raining Bats and Dogs...Video

© UKC News

For the first time in living memory, Malham Cove​ has regained its historic waterfall following Storm Desmond's torrential rainfall this week. According to numerous newspaper reports, this is the first time in several hundred years that the waterfall has made a reappearance. 

'The Cove' is believed to have become the highest unbroken waterfall above ground in England as water began cascading down from 200ft on Sunday.

Catwalk regular Ian Dunn commented: 

"Looks like it will be sticky damp at Malham today with plenty of beta being sprayed around! Raindogs and Rainshadow were officially Rained On! Hopefully the polish will have been washed off and the routes will be in good nick when they dry out."




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6 Dec, 2015
Maybe also a good time to debolt the place.
6 Dec, 2015
Is it in yet?
6 Dec, 2015
Beck Hall on Facebook, as well as UKC on Facebook.
6 Dec, 2015
6 Dec, 2015
Thanks for posting that....quite a sight!
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