Adam Ondra Vs Martin Stranik Climbing DuelFri Night Vid

© Deagl

In this week's Friday Night Video, Adam Ondra and Martin Stranik are put through some rigorously tough and scientifically accurate tests in order to discover which of them is a better climber. Surely it's the one who's having the most fun?

The video should load with English subtitles, but there is a subtitles button at the bottom of the video if they don't appear.

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6 Jan, 2017
Very good :-) Chris
7 Jan, 2017
Great fun little competition. Surprised how hard they climbed for the event though. 9a+ is not an easy grade for anyone. Also surprised they still have 8b+s left to onsight in their home country. Adam seemed in pretty good shape considering his recent time spent messing about on US slabs.
7 Jan, 2017
I really enjoyed that! However, did anyone else notice the dodgy belaying? The guy seems to drop the dead end of the rope every few seconds when they are trying to onsight the 8b+ and as well when they are trying to climb 7a in boxing gloves!
7 Jan, 2017
Decent looking crag too. I could be tempted to go and project that 7a slab. Without boxing gloves.
7 Jan, 2017
Almost as immature as UKB. x
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