Pen y Holt - Range West, PembrokeFri Night Vid

© David Linnett

Tonight's Friday Night Video is another great piece of work from UKC user David Linnett of Bald Eagle Productions. As always, David introduces the film for us:

'Here is an early Xmas offering and a wee video about a climb up the striking and photogenic Pen y Holt sea stack in Range West, Pembroke with local doyens Paul Donnithorne and Emma Alsford. Appearing to lean in all directions and situated on a friendly platform, Pen y Holt stack was first climbed in 1980 and offers ascents for most abilities. Along with the "adventurous" approach and excellent summit views, the stack makes a well worthwhile excursion for competent teams!

Range West is home to acres of superb climbing for all grades, for which the lower grades are particularly well represented. However the Range is on MOD land and if you wish to climb here, you must attend a briefing at Castlemartin Army Camp for which the 2019 briefing dates should be released via the BMC very soon.

Featuring the beautiful walk in (bikes highly recommended), the fun but "adventurous" approach (low spring tides essential), bobbing seals, some eye-popping exposure and after the end credits a rather interesting abseil off a buoy! Yep, that's right one of those flotation devices normally found anchored in the sea...'

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21 Dec, 2018

Another gem. David's films get better and better. And they always make me smile. 

21 Dec, 2018

Always the best vids. On the back the back of one of your vids we took a holiday to Pembrokeshire and did Amorican. Not the hardest route but a wonderful line. Keep making films thanks.

22 Dec, 2018

Many thanks for taking the time to post your positive vibes pneame! Merry Xmas! :-) Dave

22 Dec, 2018

Thanks a million for the kind words as it is muchly appreciated and I'm delighted to hear you rocked up Armorican after watching my vid. Range West is well worth making the effort to attend a briefing at Catlemartin as there are acres of great climbing in a superb setting to be savoured and you will definitely not be queing for a route! And you may even get to abseil off a buoy... ;-) Merry Xmas Dave

23 Dec, 2018

At last a sea stack I may be able to do. Another great video.

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