The Ghosts AboveFri Night Vid

© Sony Alpha

This week's Friday Night Video recently took home the Best Mountain Film award at Kendal Mountain Festival. The Ghosts Above sets out to solve the mystery of who climbed Everest first but ends up reflecting on the fraught relationship between guides and expeditions, the rigours of high altitude mountaineering and the commercialisation of a once sacred mountain.

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18 Dec, 2020

Suprised you chose this.

18 Dec, 2020

Watched this earlier in the week and just found the whole thing monumentally distasteful. Ozturk essentially paying lip service to the issues surrounding Everest and then committing every sin he claims to have recognised. As if a degree of introspection gives him and the team carte blanche to act with impunity.

18 Dec, 2020

"If there's no peace with you we won't climb" - then they go ahead and do what they want regardless of the feelings of the sherpas. Just acknowledging that you're a colonialist without modifying your behaviour shouldn't be enough to salve your conscience. Paid or not and regardless of wealth and privilege disparity its not ok to lie to a climbing partner about your intentions on a route.

19 Dec, 2020

The old bloke sums it up

“ it’s greed “

19 Dec, 2020

Best film!!?

great cinematography but as a story this is a non event.

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