One Grain of Sand - Moorland ClimbingVideo

© Aniseed Films

One Grain of Sand was filmed over a single Autumn & Winter and is a short portrait of lone climbing and walking in the Dark Peak of the Derbyshire moorlands. The film showcases stunning Peak District scenery, mixed with the calming sounds of moorland wind, rain and rivers.

This area of Peak District is best known for its high desolate peat moors and barren gritstone edges, offering possibly the only true wilderness experience in this part of England. Beneath the edges of Kinder Scout and Bleaklow, steep-sided cloughs are also home to relict oak-birch woodlands and streams that ascend to the quietude of the plateau.

David Hudson is a filmmaker and musician from the Peak District. See more of his work here, accompanied by a gallery of illustrations by artist Caitlin Line.

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20 Jan, 2021

Just what I needed to remind me there's more to climbing than training in a dingy garage!

20 Jan, 2021

Really lovely. Well done. Guitar complements visuals beautifully.

20 Jan, 2021

Enjoyed that!

20 Jan, 2021

I really appreciated how the relatively small portion of climbing was a well thought out mechanism to express a deep love of the Peak and everything that makes it special. Very well executed!

20 Jan, 2021

What a great film.

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