Reviewing Climbing Cakes Based on the ClimbingVideo

© Jake Davis

What happens when a non-climber designs a climbing-themed cake for a climber? Negligence and danger, if a recent YouTube video from Jake Davis is anything to go by. Bad belaying, poor footwork, ropes for harnesses and jelly bootlaces for ropes; anything goes when climbing is depicted in cake form. Jake assesses the safety, aesthetics and realisticness of each design, with some cutting commentary. If ever there's a Climbing Cake Week on Great British Bake Off, we know who the judge should be. Move over Paul Hollywood...

A cake rated 8.5/10 by Jake. 'Not 10/10 because the ropes are disgusting-looking and slimy and that kinda freaks me out.'  © Jake Davis
A cake rated 8.5/10 by Jake. 'Not 10/10 because the ropes are disgusting-looking and slimy and that kinda freaks me out.'
© Jake Davis

Here's a selection of quotes from Jake, to give you a taster:

'I dont really know anything about cake, and I don't even like cake that much, but I do like climbing.'

'I've seen this in real life, which is tough, but I think it's even tougher to see it rendered into icing.'

'They've narcissistically spelled-out their names in rope.'

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19 Jan, 2021

I've not found many walls that are a piece of cake

The same goes for outdoors too, but much better to tackle solo!

19 Jan, 2021

Oh god! This lockdown needs to end soon!!!

19 Jan, 2021

Ooh, top topic. Please ogle our son's cake from last weekend; in theory it's a Font boulder, and note even the Sportivas are correct...

19 Jan, 2021

More cake climbing/cake related photos

The recipient had a penchant for Andrea Boldrini's!

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