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Looking West towards Stob Coire Leith and Sgorr nam Fiannaidh from Meall Dearg on a perfect day on the Aonach Eagach
© freudy_love, Feb 2010
Route: Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter) (II )
Climbers: Francis Williams
Camera used: Nokia N97
Date taken: 20th February 2010
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User Comments

Is this taken on a mobile phone ? If so its cracking quality.
jonoh - 21/Feb/10
Yeah just a bog standard 5mp camera-phone, which keeps surprising me with some of the really good shots it takes in amongst the bumf - a bit like shopping at TK Maxx :D
freudy_love - 21/Feb/10
I was also climbing on the ridge that particular day! Superb weather.
Sean Kelly - 22/Feb/10
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added February 21 2010.
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