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A severe case of belay midge depression on Patellaectomy
© Andrew Stelmach, Jun 2013
Route: Patellaectomy (E1 5c)
Climbers: Duncan
Date taken: June 2013
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VOTING: from 62 votes
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User Comments

What are doing just sitting there, RUN!
Mark Collins - 14/Oct/13
Haha we climbed as a three, and its a lower of so we had to wait for the last guy to top out, dreadful
duncandarnell - 14/Oct/13
Oh my God, that looks an absolute nightmare. Severe! More like XS
Chris63 - 14/Oct/13
A 5 from me
Chris63 - 14/Oct/13
Photo of the year. Easily.
peppermill - 14/Oct/13
This photo just makes me itch! Arg, crazy shot.
James Rushforth - 14/Oct/13
We've all been there. I wouldn't have stood still long enough to take the photo, so definitely a 5!
d_b - 16/Oct/13
Congratulations! This photo was chosen as Photo of the Week, based on votes by registered users over the past 7 days.
UKC Photos - 20/Oct/13
arg arg
donz - 20/Oct/13
And they get everywhere!
Dave Stelmach - 20/Oct/13
Obviously gets a 5 from me, being the photo author! ;-)
Completely shameless plug for Flickr hits:
Andy S - 20/Oct/13
Fantastic photo. I remember the feeling so well. We should do a survey and find out what aftershave you were wearing or what you had washed in that day , so we can all avoid a fate worse than toothache, but not as bad as hot aches . How did the cameraman stay still long enough to take the shot ?
alpine69 - 20/Oct/13
Duncan wash? Wear aftershave???
It was a frantic effort to take the photo. I was belaying Owen up, so couldn't move. I was buried in my hood and just in all kinds of pain and despair. I'm glad that, in amongst the mental chaos, I had a moment of clarity and realised it was a good photo opportunity. Was tough though - a quick one-handed shot with my dslr.
Andy S - 20/Oct/13
They obviously loved last years aftershave though
duncandarnell - 20/Oct/13
This is making my skin crawl. Those are one of the few creatures that should be exterminated!
Graham T - 20/Oct/13
sums up why i hate scotland in the summer
rjb - 20/Oct/13
@ADHD Even thought this picture is taken in North Wales?? I know what you mean though.....
Whitey - 22/Oct/13
awful. i can feel them crawling as i look at this.
eschaton - 24/Oct/13
AAA There in my hair!
Bloke on a Rope - 26/Oct/13
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added October 14 2013.
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