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Top of West Gully, Ben Udlaidh, Neil Morrison, complete with Terrordactyls
©Rhoddy Stewart
Route: Sunshine Gully (III )
Camera used: Nikon FM 35mm Nikkor/ Kodachrome
Date taken: 10th January 1979
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User Comments

Stupendous - and with a classic manual camera, too. I haven't been to Ben Udlaidh, but all this controversy over bolting an M9 - and this picture - has made it a priority for next year.
AlXN - 06/Apr/05
Hi- thanks-It was all the controversy that made me think about digging out the old pics- I have a load from 78-81, mostly kodachrome..and I'll post a few more when I get a mo to scan them. The FM died, and was replaced by a FE2, which is sitting on my desk right now...Have to admit tho'-neither of em are a patch on the F5-it's a real tool. Looking at the old snaps- might have to buy some new gear for next year!
Rhoddy Stewart - 06/Apr/05
Great picture, colour saturation matches the film and the age :) Lighting is spot on and the sun just finishes the picture to a T.
Great photo, thanks Tony
Goatster - 07/Apr/05
As well as all the stuff mentioned above it seems to capture the mood and feeling of finishing a winter route late in the day. Excellent picture.
Horse - 28/Apr/05
excellent shot. i can almost feel how knackered this climber is from his body language. great - just shows its not all about grins on summits to make a shot.
Adders - 14/Nov/05
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This picture is copyright. Photo added April 06 2005.
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