Porters Mt Kazbek

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 Pj Laverick 26 Jan 2024


Hi I'm looking for info on where I can hire porters with horses for an for the first day on Mt Kazbek?  

I'm not finding much info besides guided expansions on line. 

Thank you. 

 Lrunner 03 Feb 2024
In reply to Pj Laverick:

I'm not sure why you would need one? It's a day and a half walk in which you need to do to getting used to the altitude any way. 

If you are just doing the normal route how much kit will you need? 

You can pay for a taxi up to the famous church which curs off a far bit of vert.

There are some local outfitters in town who.lught be able to help if you really can't be bothered but it's certainly not the culture

 jonathandavey 03 Feb 2024
In reply to Pj Laverick:

There are lots of horse packs going up and down to the Betlemi Hut every day, at least during the main summer season. If you hang around the car park by the Gergeti Church you should be able to pay for your pack to be carried up. I didn't use the horses, but think the going rate is either €50 or $50 each way. Up to you if you think it's worth it, fairly steady walk up to the hut from the car park, just start early as it can get hot.

OP Pj Laverick 26 Mar 2024
In reply to jonathandavey:

Thanks Jonathan, that's good to know 👍

OP Pj Laverick 26 Mar 2024
In reply to Lrunner:

Yes if you're not pre acclimatise. Thanks 👍

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