EC was here

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 veteye 14 May 2024

... and still is here... just.

I went to see Eric Clapton in Birmingham last night, supported by Andy Fairweather-Low. The latter played with great style and verve, supported by other older musicians on drums, double-bass, clarinet saxaphone and keyboards.

Eric was definitely showing his age, but by gum, he still played with absolutely inspiring ability, style and the old Stratocaster tone.  He had about him other brilliant musicians.

I had a great time with my children/family and their friend who had never seen Clapton. Her dad died recently, a great fan of EC: The event was a wonderful emotional and musical fulfillment for her.

So we had a brilliant evening, which proved far better than I had anticipated from a 78 year-old musician and his friends.

I hope some of you also get to see him on this tour.

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