Trouble opening GPX files from UKH

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 DobloDan 11 May 2024

I regularly download .GPX files from the internet from a verity of places and open them with the free app "gpx viewer". 

This weekend I tried to download one of the route cards from UKH, and it downloads as a .GPX.TXT file and ends up as coding /plain text in the viewer with no map at all. 

I tried manually deleting the .txt off the end of the file name but made no difference. 

Any advice on what's going wrong and possibly other FREE apps I can try?

Thanks! Dan

 Andypeak 11 May 2024
In reply to DobloDan:

Sometimes I have this issue. I find if you go to your downloaded files and find the file you want then select it to specifically open with your chosen app it works. I hope that makes sense. 

In reply to DobloDan:

GPX files are merely text files, using an XML schema. You can open them in any text editor to see if they are intact.

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