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Last updated on 03/Jun/2014


At TEAM ASCENT LTD we provide a customized mountain guiding, instructional and coaching service on a worldwide basis. In winter we focus mainly on Scottish winter and we do run some mountaineering, climbing and walking Scottish Summer courses. We also guide and run Alpine climbing, mountaineering and ski-mountaineering courses from Chamonix, Mont Blanc working in France,Italy and Switzerland.
Once winter arrives in Scotland do keep in touch with conditions by looking at our blog:

We also organise IFMGA guides through out Europe with and in Nepal our Expeditions are lead by IFMGA guides and climbing sherpas.
Based from Newtonmore, Scotland Team Ascent is a Scottish Registered Limited company. Newtonmore is well serviced by road and rail links. Situated right in the heart of some of Scotland's most wild land, well located for outdoor activities in the Cairngorm National Park and the true wild areas of Scotland. Our core business is private guiding. If your dates fall out with listed activity dates then please emial us and we will do our best to sort something out for you. The company is run by Sandy Allan who is very active in the mountains, so its best to email me on [email protected], but if you do phone leave a message and we will call you back when we come in from the hills!
There are many good bunk houses, bed and breakfast and hotels in the village.
Since 1993 when Sandy Allan qualified as a IFMGA/ British Mountain Guide we have provided these services. Sandy Allan was awarded the prestigious Piolet d'Or in 2013.
While many of our course are advertised on the web site please feel free to email or phone us for private guiding, tuition and coaching.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!


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