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Last updated on 08/May/2018


BCC is a small, friendly group of outdoor enthusiasts. Our main focus is on traditional rock climbing, and the club arranges monthly climbing meets at various locations in the UK from spring to autumn. Members also arrange trips in the UK and abroad, so there’s something going on most weekends. Social events such as barbecues, photo competitions and winter rambles are also on our calendar.

The club is affiliated to the BMC, and so BCC members can take advantage of the provided benefits. We don’t have a qualified instructor but do have several experienced lead climbers who are happy to offer guidance to those who wish to extend their climbing abilities.

To find out more, get in touch via one of the contacts provided, or come and see us at the climbing wall in Alton Sports Centre – we meet there every Wednesday evening from 8 pm.

Additional contact: Michael Prosser - [email protected]


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