Whittaker climbs Appointment direct

Sam Whittaker has climbed a direct line through Appointment with Fear at Wimberry. The route makes the first few hard moves on Appointment to get established on the wall and then climbs directly up the wall. With just a low nut in the crack to the right where you pull onto the wall, a fall from the crux is likely to be serious, unless the belayer jumps off a ledge to take in the slack. The line had been tried by Simon Jones, Johnny Dawes and Ben Tetler, but Sam made the effort to keep walking up the steep hill to Wimberry to get the crux wired. This involved pulling on clusters of pebbles to slap for a sloping ripple. At 6c, this crux looks likely to bring the route in at E8 or E9. Sam has called the route Appointment with death

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26 Oct, 2003
Whoop. Saw that was well brushed when I went up a couple of months ago. Impressive looking stuff indeed!
26 Oct, 2003
Very impressive, must be tricky just keeping the fingers warm enough for attempts! A real "last great problem" I'd have thought.
27 Oct, 2003
Well done Sam. Top bloke and top effort. Andy F
27 Oct, 2003
Presumably it will be spelt correctly. Quite a decent name IMHO.
28 Oct, 2003
Any pics anywhere?
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