UKC Interview With Dave GrahamVideo

© Mick Ryan -
Dave Graham is highly regarded as one of the top rock climbers to have come out of the US in the last ten years.

Kevin Avery and Filmmaker Dave Gill of SteepMedia caught up with Dave for an interview before his stunningly fresh lecture in Ambleside, organised by the town's specialist retailer, Lakes Climber and event organiser Heason Events.

You can watch the videos here: VIDEO INTERVIEW: David Graham

Dave Gill of SteepMedia has also just uploaded a trailer of his new film, 'Call it what you want' which can be seen at This film will be premiering at the Kendal Mountain Festival, more details of the feast of climbing films at Kendal next week.

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Dave Graham has been a top boulderer and sport climber for nearly two decades. He has made the first ascents of a huge number of cutting edge boulder problems including The Story of Two Worlds, Big Paw and...

Dave's Athlete Page 41 posts 5 videos

17 Oct, 2008
"i just dont wana get fu**ed up" haha
17 Oct, 2008
"Y'know climb an 8c+ boulder or a 9b route, some easy sh*t like that" Hehe, i love some of the stuff he says.
17 Oct, 2008
always good to hear D Graham on climbing. Excellent insights. His interview on Udini when he talks of wizardry is one of the best climber interviews I have watched. So many climbers just cant harness what its all about verbally but Graham has it. excellent
17 Oct, 2008
Who the hell picked that "music"???
17 Oct, 2008
What a wicked interview! :-)
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